

Restorations in the Museum and a New Information Strategy

December 7, 2020 – April 1, 2022

Returning to visit a museum can hold a few surprises. Noticing a detail brought to light by restoration works, lingering over a never-considered work or reading a reworded description can turn the visit into a new experience.

Between December 2020 and March 2022 Lares Restauri worked on frescoes, stuccoing, tapestries, chandeliers and floors in the House Museum, restoring the original eighteenth-century look.

New information sheets accompany the visitor using a straightforward and informal language in the mark of greater hospitality and accessibility.

This new information strategy is the result of work on various fronts, led by the Fondazione: analyses of the types of public were made in association with various partners, including ICOM Italia and Ca’ Foscari University, training was given to its internal staff and courses were run for professionals. The regeneration and conservation work was financed with contributions deriving from the government’s ‘8 per mille’ tax distribution funds. Thanks to the ‘Un amico a Venezia’ Association for their financial contribution to creating and installing the information sheets. 

Service communication

On Friday 1 November 2024, the Library’s distribution service for books and periodicals will not operate from 12 noon to 3.30 p.m.